Extreme flight on YAK 52 for the strong in spirit
No matter how calm a person is, at one time or another everyone may want to dilute a boring life with an extreme adventure. Someone goes to the mountains, someone starts doing unusual sports, but still the winners in the race for adrenaline are those who chose to fly with aerobatics on the Yak-52! Oh yes, this adventure is not for people with weak nerves, because during the flight you will have to experience all the charms of performing complex aerobatics.
The sports and training model of YAK 52 aircraft is the main aircraft used to train the domestic air force. The popularity of the aircraft is justified by its high performance, which perfectly allows pilots to hone their skills. Sitting in the cabin of this two-seater all-metal low-altitude, you open the door to a world of new sensations. The maximum speed of horizontal flight is 270 km / h, the speed of dumping in direct flight – 110 km / h, in the inverted form – 140 km / h, and with the released shields – 100 km / h. The maximum speed is 450 km / h, and when driving – 360 km / h. The practical ceiling (maximum height of actual use) of the aircraft is 4000 m. Of course, during the flight the pilot will not reach such values, because his main task is to show all the beauty of safe flight.
Pique, loop, corkscrew, barrel – terms that each of us heard in the movies. Now you can feel what it’s like to be in the role of the hero of a movie about pilots. The dizzying pickets and maneuvers that the Yak-52 aircraft is capable of are designed to awaken unforgettable feelings in you. You haven’t felt this way before, so be prepared for the fact that you won’t be able to look at the sky calmly in the future, because you will be drawn to order aerobatics on the Yak-52 again and again.
How does it all happen?
To begin with, we note that before going on a flight, given the load, it is recommended to consult a doctor to find out if there are any health contraindications. Even though our pilots have all the necessary knowledge in the field of piloting aircraft and know how to do everything according to the requirements, these points require your attention.
You can order the service by phone or on the website. In conversation with our consultants, you can choose the most appropriate date for the realization of your dream. In addition, you can also purchase a flight certificate. This option is perfect for the role of a gift to someone close to you who loves extreme. The certificate is valid for three months. This time may be needed by those who need to “tune in”.