3 reasons to fly a flight simulator
The desire to conquer the sky almost from childhood haunts each of us. Even when we were very young, we were fascinated by the sky, where birds and sometimes aircraft fly overhead. How many emotions were caused by the seen plane or helicopter. Remember? For many, these children’s emotions are so ingrained that they have chosen their profession of flying. Others “tired the appetite” going on vacation or on a business trip on a plane. If you belong to the type of people who have this dream come true, now is the time to use such a service as flying on a flight simulator.
The flight simulator is a professional simulator used by pilots to improve their skills and practice basic skills. The flight simulator fully corresponds to the cockpit, so you won’t even notice the difference. So why buy a flight on a flight simulator?
Reason 1: Realism
Modern technology, and in particular the spherical screen, allows you to fully immerse yourself in the virtual reality of flight. In addition, the simulator is located on a moving platform, so you can even feel all the inclinations of the fuselage, the joints of the runway and acceleration. Even the same turbulence is accurately transmitted during a virtual flight. In short, even an experienced pilot of the aircraft will not be able to complain about the visualization of the air accident that awaits him on the flight simulator.
Reason 2: Gaining new skills
Yes, this is an extremely important point that can not be missed! You can choose for yourself any flight option, both normal and light, and one that includes various emergency situations to which you will need to respond quickly. Imagine that you are piloting a huge Boeing 747 with more than 500 people on board, who completely trust their pilot, and you get into a thunderstorm. The plane begins to shake, the sensors go beyond scale, and visibility is zero. In this situation, the pilot is not to be envied, but you have every chance to get out of this situation and land the aircraft, receiving the status of a hero. To pump such a chip is the destiny of only the bravest and fearless.
Reason 3: Ability to travel
If you are a fan of TV programs about travel, then you will definitely like this service, because thanks to it you can go anywhere in the world. You have the opportunity to choose any airport in the world and go to it. In this case, as mentioned above, the detail of all the elements is so incredible that from the cockpit you can see this world with your own eyes and not distinguish it from reality. Moreover, when choosing a particular route, you will have to fly over the scenery, which accurately reflects what the pilots see, flying over them in each of their flights. That is, you can not leave your hometown and favorite city, but at the same time see others. Sounds unreal, but it’s true!